Importing with JOSM




This guide is just one part of the overall import process. Please refert to the complete

Import Process

  1. Process
  2. License
  3. Discussion with Community
  4. Documentation
  5. Accounts
  6. Tags
  7. Data
  8. Specific Data Guidelines

This guide is about the steps involved with using JOSM to import chunked data. While originally written for the DC import, it may be useful in future imports.

Get Familiar with the Basics

OSM Tasking Manager

Tasking Manager instructions
  1. Sign into Tasking Manager. This may delegate you to sign into OSM.
  2. Click Start contributing.
  3. Click Take a task at random.
  4. Click Start mapping.

OSM Tasking Manager

Tasking Manager instructions
  1. TODO: If the task is too big, the convert script can be modified to produce smaller chunks.
  2. Click Edit with JOSM.
  3. JOSM will open with a chunk of work.
  4. We'll come back to this screen later.


Tasking Manager instructions




Tasking Manager instructions

Validate Layers Independently

  1. Select nothing (press s, click blank spot)
  2. Validate Data Layer 1
  3. Click Validation
  4. Right click on an issue and click Zoom to Problem
  5. Take note of these issues
  6. Select the import data layer
  7. Click Validation
  8. Resolve these issues before migrating data!


Tasking Manager instructions

Move some features

  1. Select the import data layer
  2. Select about 20 features
  3. Don't select half a building
  4. Copy these with control-c
  5. Delete these with delete
  6. Select the OSM layer
  7. Paste with control-v

You can also use shift-click to select multiple features.


Tasking Manager instructions

Validate these

  1. Reselect these features and include the OSM features too!
  2. Click Validation
  3. Resolve these issues before migrating data!
  4. Here we see we're importing a building on top of an existing building.

Goofed up majorly, press control-z on each layer

Case Style: Resolving an overlap

Assume that the import data has better geometry, unless it looks terrible.

Resolve the tags.

key OSM Import
building yes yes
addr:housenumber 1927
addr:postcode 20018
addr:street Rhode Island Avenue Northeast
dcgis:gis_id 66554

Let's assume here, that a super OSM mapper did a better job on the geometry than the import data.

In this case we would copy the tags from the Import feature to the OSM feature

  1. Select the import feature.
  2. Select all tags you want to copy.
  3. Select the OSM feature.
  4. Pres control-shift-v (Paste Tags).
  5. Select the import feature and delete it.
  6. Select the features in the area and revalidate.

TODO: Can we get JOSM to show us this table?

Resolving issues case by case

  1. We will document the types of issues we will run into and use this as a reference

Case Style: Resolving nodes on lines

Case Style: Resolving ways ending near each other
